среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Foreign bookstores in Moscow
When summer ends, Muscovites start to read more. Instead of walking under the rain we prefer to hide in cozy cafes with warm drinks, interesting books and dreams about next summer. So do many foreigners and expats who live in Russia. In Moscow there are some approved offline places where a foreigner can buy book in English and in some other languages. 
First bookstore is located at Kuznetsky Most Street. We have already mentioned it in our article about Kuznetsky Most Street. It is the oldest one. It works since the beginning of the 19th century. Here you can find more than 20000 books on different languages from Russian classics to modern fiction and cookbooks. Average price of the book is about 15-20$ (USD).
Today this shop is called House of the Foreign Book (Dom Inostrannoy Knigi). You can find it at 18/7 Kuznetsky Most Moscow (Nearest Metro Station is Kuznetskaya). To get more information about this store you can call +7 (495) 628-20-21 or visit webpage
Another one good shop is named The Moscow House of Books and is located at Novy Arbat. It is one of the biggest with many new books and journals and different media files. In this shop there is a place for reading and a cafe. Average price of the book is about 11-15$ (USD). Moscow House of Books is situated at 8 Novy Arbat, Moscow. Nearest Metro Station is Arbatskaya. To get more information about this store you can call +7(495) 789-35-91 or visit webpage

Moskva bookstore is also a good bookshop with many foreign books located in city center. Official address is 8/2 Tverskaya Street, Moscow. Nearest Metro Station is Tverskaya, Mid price for one book is about 13$ (USD).

You can call at the shop + 7 (495) 797 87 17  or visit its website http://www.moscowbooks.ru/

By Rus-a first Information Guide in Moscow and Russia

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