понедельник, 25 сентября 2017 г.

History of Moscow in Brief - facts you should know

A Short History Of Moscow Foundation

Moscow is one of the largest cities in Russia, which was founded in the 12th century and subsequently united the whole country. Moscow became the capital in the 16th century and continues to be today.

Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky on the Borovitsky Hill at the confluence of two rivers –the Moscow River and Neglinnaya River. The advantageous geographical location of the city has become one of the main reasons for economic independence and political influence.

Historical settlement and the Foundation of Moscow

There is little information about the territory of modern Moscow before its construction. However, it is known that at the site of the present Cathedral of Christ the Savior, before the Foundation of Russia were Dyakovo settlement, who considered the first settlements on this land. Later, shortly before the emergence of the Russian state, Finno-Ugric tribes who lived along the shore in scattered hamlets chose these lands. Soon, there began to appear a Slavic village and villages of Vyatichi. 

To read full article click here by Rus-a Media- first Moscow Guide

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